Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Heart Of The Giver

"The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious." --Martin Luther

My daughter has a giving heart and it is absolutely beautiful. It is rare that we play with friends or go visit family members or have people in our home or even meet people for the first time, that Ruth doesn't think of a gift to give. She makes things or finds things in her room (even things that may have been her favorite yesterday) to give away. It's the most amazingly sweet thing I've ever seen. Tonight we had plans to celebrate my mom's birthday, and all day Ruth was obsessed with finding just one more gift. She insited that we absolutely had to take Nana some flowers and so I let her cut some from one of my only blooming plants and put them in a vase. She also made a beautiful "seascape" in a jar with sand from her sanbox and shells she has collected. And she made a wonderful card, writing most of the words without any help from me at all and drawing these perfect little picutres all over it. I'm so proud of her for this giving spirit that she possess, and I can only hope to attain a portion of that quality in my own heart.


  1. Ruth has always been a precious girl; she'll grow into a wonderful adult too.

  2. Emlyn is like that too and it warms my heart to see generous children.


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