Summer 2017

Friday, March 16, 2007

You Do Funny Things When You're Sleepy

We went over to have dinner with my parents tonight, keeping us up long past both kids bedtimes. So, on the way home, Ruth was shooting us questions in rapid-fire succession trying to stay awake. Then, suddenly, she crashed. When we got home, she woke up just enough to get her shoes on, or so I thought. When I leaned in the door to see what was taking so long, I found her diligently trying to put a book on her foot. Very funny stuff!

And speaking of sleepy, Rip Van Weston entertained all of us tonight when my aunt put a blanket down on the floor and he beat a path over to it, trying to snuggle in for bed. I caught him as he was trying to get his position just right.

1 comment:

  1. awww . . . she was exhausted! Danielle does that too--gets hyper trying to stay awake. They are both so cute.


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