Summer 2017

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dropping The Morning Nap

Well, it seems like Weston is trying to drop his morning nap, and frankly, I have mixed emotions about this. I really enjoy that time during the morning because I am able to get a lot done around the house. But, on the other hand, it will be nice to have a bigger window during the day to get errands done, and to get out of the house. I'm guessing that for now, he'll probably take the morning nap sometimes and not take it other times. He's still a sleepy little guy, though, and he loves to be all snuggled up. He got his hands on my jacket earlier and wrapped himself up in it and then started making his way to the stairs. So cute!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is a smooth transition all around. Cute picture!


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