Summer 2017

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

That Time Of Year Again

For those of you who keep up with our goings-on through this blog, you know that things don't stay the same for very long inside the Watts house. I like to change things around...a lot! So, maybe two or three (or four or five) times a year, I re-arrange most of the furniture in one room or another, or sometimes several rooms. I never really plan for this to happen. I'll just be sitting in a room one day and think, "I wonder what it would be like if I just moved a few things around..." And the next thing you know everything is moved around. And usually while Jeff is at work, so that he comes home and isn't quite sure he's home.

Well, it happened again today--and also one day last week. And the two rooms targeted were our breakfast room and our living room. The idea was to create more space, or the illusion of more space, and I think we've succeeded. We're still testing it all out, trying to decide for sure if we're going to keep the new look. But, I think I like it. We'd love for you all to come visit us and tell us what you think. We welcome your opinion. Jeff's one suggestion for what could make the living room even better was a 92" TV screen and projector, so really there's no idea too crazy to share.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a good time. I do that sort of thing with my cabinets and it drives joel nuts cause then he can't find anything.


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