Summer 2017

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Comida Muito Bom

Austin just opened it's first Brazilian Churrascaria, so we decided to give it a try tonight in honor of/preparation for Jeff's Portuguese class at UT, which starts next week. It was awesome! The best one we've ever been to, in my opinion...and we've been to one in Dallas and many in Brazil. (O.k. so all the ones in Brazil win for location, but the food at this one was really excellent). Jeff has already declared that we will definitely be going there again on his birthday (and possibly his half-birthday). No surprise, he's a big fan of all-you-can-eat high-quality meat!

1 comment:

  1. We'll have to check it out together and we'll bring along Trey's Cousin in law, who is half-Brazilian and speaks fluent Port. Then we'll head over to watch a movie on the big screen TV! :-)


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