Summer 2017

Monday, February 19, 2007


...It's morningtime. Weston is just starting his day. He's getting his diaper changed and--uh oh, Mommy's a little late with the new diaper.

...It's laundry day. Time to take the clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer. But wait a second, why are my feet getting all wet?! Oh, there's a river coming from the washing machine. Great.

...It's dinnertime. Why don't we get out those left over California Rolls for an appetizer. Oops! It looks like the lid isn't fitting tightly and now there's soy sauce all over the kitchen floor.

...It's clean-up time. The dishes have been cleared from the table, now it's time to wipe everything down. Huh. Would you look at that huge puddle of milk in Ruth's chair.

The fun never ends!


  1. goodness--what a day. May your tomorrow be spill free.

  2. Oh man.

    Yesterday morning Denali peed on the stairs. Emlyn was quite upset but I just left it for later.

    Sorry about the washing machine river! Hope it wasn't a serious problem.


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