Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Flip-Flop Weather

(Picture me with a huge smile and a child-like giddiness).

What an absolutely gorgeous day!! I was able to dig out my long-lost flip-flop buddies who haven't seen the light of day in months and months. Yippee!! We wore flip-flops, played outside (at the park and here in the backyard), and bought gardening supplies. I love, Love, LOVE Spring!! (And you naysayers out there can just keep quiet. I know it's still Feburary and Old Man Winter could still make another pass, but I refuse to believe that on such a day as this)!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I've been calling it spring too. I love to enjoy those 70 degree days in TX, all 10 of them.


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