Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Don't Worry, We're Not Dead

That is not to say that the sweet relief of death hasn't been wished for in the last 32 hours or so.

So, here's what happened. On Monday night we went out for dinner at a little Mexican joint we like to go to. Jeff and I ordered chicken dishes and ate until we were quite "puffed out." Later on Monday night, Jeff said, "That Mexican food didn't sit very well with me," and we went to bed. Tuesday morning, Jeff got up and got ready for work, still complaining of "revenge of the Mexican food." Meanwhile, Mandi got up and got going without noticing anything out of the ordinary. At 10:00 on Tuesday morning, Jeff unexpectedly showed up at the house "not feeling too good," and put himself to bed. At lunchtime on Tuesday, Mandi ate the remainder of her Mexican food which she had carefully saved and brought home, not knowing that it was crawling with some kind of pure evilness. At 2:45 on Tuesday, Jeff went back to work for an important meeting, not feeling good, but a bit rested and not quite as bad as he had been. Around 3:00, Mandi began to feel not-so-good herself and laid down on the couch for a while. Around 5:00, the evilness within Mandi exploded. And at 7:00, Mandi went to bed for the night. Only it was to be quite a fitfull night with very little actual rest for both of the Watts adults in our house. We took turns going from couch to bed, and we showered at odd times, just hoping for some relief. This day (I think it's Wednesday) has been a complete fog. Jeff stayed home from work to nurse himself back to health and to make sure the children had at least one set of adult eyes on them at all times today. We've really been quite pathetic. But it looks like we may possibly be coming to the end of it. I can tell you it will be a long time before we set foot in that resturaunt again, and when we finally do I can almost bet we won't be ordering the Pollo Muy Malo.


  1. Was it the one I went to with you? So sorry you got food poisoning! The few times I've been afflicted have been truly awful.

  2. Not the same one we went to. It has been awful, but I think we're going to survive.

  3. That sounds horrible!!! I hope you are feeling better today.


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