Summer 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Countdown To Turkey Day

Well, it's just a week until Thanksgiving and we are getting geared up around here. Today the kids and I did the BIG shopping trip. I'm sure some of you are curious as to what our theme is this year--and some of you are now wondering, "Theme?!?" (So, for a little background: We've been hosting Thanksgiving--with both sides of the family--at our house for about five years, I guess. After Ruth was born we decided to spice up Thanksgiving just a little and create our own little tradition, which is to have a theme. One year we had the "fried Thanksgiving" where we fried up about 100 turkeys, or so it seemed. One year we had a farm theme, where we all wore our bandanas and overalls. One year we had a luau, with ham instead of turkey and homemade paper leis for everyone. Last year, the theme was "Baby," and for that one we all went out to Luby's because Weston was due to arrive any minute)! So, now that we're all caught up, this year's theme is (drumroll, please) Dos Fiestas! We're all going to wear our sombreros, and while turkey will be served, it will most definitely have a Mexican twist. And, not only will it be quite the Thanksgiving Fiesta, it will also be Weston's birthday party. I'm very excited! I'm posting pictures here of our invitations--you'll remember, I made one of them and Ruth made the other one. See if you can tell who's is who's. I hope you all have plans to be with your families or friends for Thanksgiving, but if not, come join our fiesta! Mi casa es su casa y mi fiesta es su fiesta!


  1. I might actually take you up on the offer to come over. Joel will be out of town and my mom's family is not doing anything. I'll let you know when I decide. :)

  2. both of those are fantastic invitations! We'll be in Houston. Have FUN!

  3. PS How old is Weston now? WOW are the years flying by . . .

  4. LOL! stratch that question--it's early and took me a minute. I figured it out!


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