Summer 2017

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Voice Of Reason

My friend recently went to Brazil, and she brought me back a small bag of these wonderful guava cookies that I like to get when I'm down there. This afternoon, I decided it would be fun to open up the bag and have a little snack. After eating a few cookies, I commented that I could probably eat the whole bag. Ruth said, "Mom! If you do that your tummy will pop!" So, I did what any sensible parent-who-doesn't-want-her-tummy-to-pop would do, I shared. I offered a cookie to her and some to Jeff. After Jeff and I ate a few more cookies, Ruth piped up again: "You guys need to stop eating cookies or you will be sick!" So, I offered her another cookie. This time, she turned me down, saying, "No thank you. I've had enough sugar for today. I had sugar in my cereal and sugar in my juice, and I've already had one of those cookies." Remind me again, who's the adult in this relationship?! It was hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That is so responsible! Sorry to say though she is probably going to grow up insane like these other people I know who love exercise and feel sick if they don't exercise at least once a day ;-P
    Congrats on the cookies.


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