Summer 2017

Saturday, April 01, 2006


It's been a really fun weekend so far. We had some friends over last night for dinner who have a daughter Ruth's age and a daughter Weston's age, and the kids had a great time together, and we enjoyed our visit with our friends as well. Ruth and I went to a birthday party today while the guys stayed home for some male bonding. Weston rolled around all over the living room and worked on his crawling some. He's getting there. We made chocolate chip cookie dough after dinner, and even turned some of it into cookies! And we played two rounds of Mexican Train with Ruth before she went to bed. She's such a good game player, although at one point she did get a little sad when someone else played on her train, but got over it quickly when she saw that it worked to her advantage. I'm so thankful for my family and the fun we have together!

1 comment:

  1. What a good idea! I hadn't thought of playing dominoes with Emmy.


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