Summer 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hey, Crazy Lady-with-the-cell-phone-pressed-to-your-ear, You Are Not Allowed To Touch My Baby Under Any Circumstances

Weston and I were in Wal-Mart today. He was strapped into the carseat, riding in the front of the shopping cart--I was, of course, pushing the cart. At one point, I stopped to look at something, as one is prone to do when shopping, and I took a little step away from the shopping cart. Weston began to fuss just a little, really just "talk," and a passer-by stopped to talk back to him, which happens all the time when we're shopping. I turned away from what I was looking at only to see that this woman (obviously torn between talking to Weston and talking on her cell phone) was reaching into the carseat, grabbing a toy and trying to stick it in his mouth, which he was not excited about. Then she commented either to me or herself, or more likely, the person on the phone, "Well, I don't know why he's crying...!" That's when I completely forgot about whatever I had been looking at, moved into the pushing position and took off without looking back. I'm flattered anytime someone looks at Weston or chats with him, but I am not the least bit interested in strange people reaching into my baby's carseat or trying to put things (even his own things) into my baby's mouth. Ick!


  1. That is pretty crazy. Who knows why people do stuff like that?

    I would have thought something rude.

    I do not put things in strange baby's mouths.

  2. Amazing the things some people think they have the right to do. When Danielle was around 7 mos I was at Walmart on 35 in Round Rock; toward the end of the shopping trip Danielle was fussing as we were getting close to the check out. The check out girl picked her up and walked around to the cash register (I presume so I could push the cart up without the fussing) but I freaked! Who does that stuff?


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