Summer 2017

Thursday, April 24, 2014

San Antonio

Because we just really needed something else academic (not to mention all the non-academic stuff!) on our plates between Weston's Memory Master testing and Ruth's finals next week, we scheduled the two older kids' annual SAT tests for today and tomorrow in San Antonio. :) But it's not all work. The kids and I are managing to squeeze in a little fun, too!

Max and Clay have had lots of playground time!

This. Over and over, for as long as someone will catch him.

Yay for hotels with pools!

The absolute best big sister.

This one is getting to be quite a fish!
He is even starting to venture into the deep end.

Another little fishy!

Clay showing me his "very boy"

You know when the Watts come to San Antonio,
there's going to be Mexican food involved!
We loved trying a new place (Guajillo's)
and were especially crazy for their guacamole.
(Though, truthfully, everything was delicious!)

Our message to Dad to tell him we wished he were with us--
and maybe to taunt him a bit about the Mexican food.
(And, I'll just say that a selfie with five people,
all looking at the right place at the right time
is something of a smart phone miracle!)

Big, big fun!

We have driven by these big boots several times,
and finally, after dinner, the kids said,
"Can we just stop and touch them?!"

Winding down at the end of a very fun day

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