Summer 2017

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Six trips around the sun

Max, you turned six today! And, you were so excited to have your party on your actual birthday! It was an Angry Birds party and so much fun!

I'm not really sure how you came to be six, since you were just two not so very long ago. But, six you are. It's been an amazing year, and I've had fun being a part of it!

You got to go on two really big vacations this year, as well as several small weekend trips. The first big trip was a Caribbean cruise, which we left on the day after you turned five. You loved the water park and the towel animals, but you weren't crazy about the deep water snorkeling. Our other big trip was a visit to Disney World. You loved it (aside from being lost for a few very long minutes on one of the days), and you insisted on having a picture taken that looked like you were holding the Epcot Center on your shoulders. You are always up for an adventure, and you make all of ours more fun!

You got to play flag football in the fall. Your favorite part was the running! You aren't sure if you want to play again next year, as you want to keep your options open for other sports you might like to try. The basketball season just started, and you are excited about playing that. You also worked hard on swimming this year and were finally able to swim the width of a pool by yourself last month at a hotel. And, you got to run in a one-mile race for kids, which you did very well at. You have a turbo speed you can turn on when you choose that is a whole other level of fast!

In school, you've finished your first (of two) 1st grade Math book and completed many reading posters. You have particularly enjoyed reading the Amelia Bedelia books. And, you have excelled in memorizing much of the memory work for CC. You are fascinated with the presidents and are anxious to learn them all, in order. There is absolutely nothing you can't do, when you put your mind to it. (This last part is important, since you can be a wee bit stubborn occasionally and like to operate according to your own rules.)

You are the sweetest big brother to Clay! You are always inviting him to play with you, and you take very good care of him. I have also seen you be very sweet to other kids that are younger than you, even when it costs you getting your own way. And, you very often come up to me and give me a hug for no particular reason. You do adore your older siblings, but from time to time, your desire to be the one in charge puts you a little at odds with them. You are a leader, and it will serve you well in life. Mimi and Grandpa have a mug at their ranch house that says "Best Boss," which you make sure to choose for yourself every time you have an opportunity. When we saw how much you liked it, Dad and I got you one for the New Year that says, "World's Best Boss." You seem to be quite thrilled with it and seem to intuitively know that it's appropriate for you.

You are full of passion and life, and you are a joy to know! You are smart, and kind, and funny, and creative, and intense. You have a very unique fashion sense, and you're comfortable in your own skin. I feel so fortunate to get to share my days with you, because you are truly an amazing little boy! Thanks for choosing me to be your mom! Dad and I are very proud of you, and we look forward to seeing what the next year has in store for you!

I love you so much!


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