Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

What does the Clay say?

Clay has his very own vocabulary, which is absolutely adorable and wonderful. And, I don't want to forget, as those words eventually become lost to "correctness," so I will preserve them here:

Chay (Clay) n. a super-cute, two-year-old boy, who is also a mess. [I not mess, I Chay.]

may-me (maybe) adv. perhaps, possibly. [May-me can have candy after eat.]

donut (grown-up) n. an adult. [I not big boy; I donut.] See also grownut.

picture me (take a picture of me) v. the action of taking a picture of the cutest possible toddler. [You picture me do this.]

hobtub (hot tub) n. a word used interchangeably for "hot tub" and "bathtub." [I get in hobtub 'night.]

Ruffie (Ruth) n. world's best big sister. [Ruffie hold me.]

barn (hammer) n. a device used for driving nails and banging on furniture and walls. [You no take my barn.] Unfortunately, no longer commonly used.

Octane (Eleanor of Aquitaine) n. a pet cat. [I help Max feed Octane.]

wuv (love) v. an expression of deep affection, usually accompanied by a bear hug around the neck. [I wuv you so much.]

bom-bom (bottom) n. a person's backside, used for sitting on. [I not sit on my bom-bom in shop cart!]

Ty-Ty (Tyler) n. a beloved, close-in-age cousin. [Ty-Ty come my house, play my toys.]

ree (really) adv. genuinely, truly. [I ree big.]

nak (snack) n. something to eat between meals. [I need a nak.]

dool (stool) n. a device used to help short people reach things in high, sometimes off-limits places. Also used for standing on when going potty. [I move my dool over here.]

oping (open) v. to make no longer closed. [I oping the door and go out-ide.]

dootch (scooch) v. to move in a confined space. [You dootch my chair up.]

joop (zip) v. the act of pulling a zipper up. [You joop my jacket?]

ot-tado (avocado) n. a pear-shaped fruit, used abundantly in Mexican cuisine and the Watts' kitchen. [I want ot-tado in my soup.]

nakin (napkin) n. a piece of paper or cloth used for wiping messy lips and fingers. [You get me nakin, wipe my face.]

cho-ya (show you) v. allow to be seen. [What is this all over your hands? Cho-ya.]

ert (dessert) n. something sweet to eat after a meal. [I eat this, I have ert?]

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