Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The last list of favorites for 2013

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot even tell you how much I love this book.
It's like a decadent dessert you can't wait to gobble up but that you want to savor every bite of.

And, speaking of books, The Baldwin Project is my go-to for free, classic children's ebooks on a wide variety of topics.

The name seriously says it all.

We actually bought our Better'n Peanut Butter at Trader Joe's (and not Amazon, like the link suggests).
But, that's not all we love about the store. It's just a super fun and unique place to shop.
We are so happy there is one in Austin now!
That little scrublet just makes me happy. And my face feels lovely after it's washed.

I would like to wear these leggings every single day of winter.
They feel just like a warm hug for your legs.
(Mine are actually S.O.N.G. brand, but I couldn't find a link for those.)

We used these arm bands on the kids when we went to Disney World,
and they definitely helped me feel like less of a nervous wreck.

A yummy, crunchy, relatively healthy snack that is easy to bring along.

I'm not sure how I am just now discovering the awesomeness that is parchment paper.
I could have saved myself many tears and ruined cakes and cookies, if I would have just known sooner.
And, as an added bonus, clean-up is so much simpler.
These are good. And, not just good-for-diet-food good. Mmm. I'm craving one now.

1 comment:

  1. You know my heart leaped when I saw you had a list of favs!!! I do not understand how we do not have a TJ in this part of the state! UGGG! Love that place!


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