Summer 2017

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Eight is Great

Weston, I asked you last night when I put you to bed if you would mind just staying seven. You chuckled your good-natured chuckle and told me you didn't think that would work out. And, sure enough, you woke up this morning a big eight-year-old. I'm not even sure how it's possible that that many years have passed since I first met you. But, I do know that I fell in love with you that first moment and have been falling head over heels ever since. I love your buzzed blonde head and your gray-green eyes and your crooked, dimply smile. I love your bear hugs and your quick wit. I love your sensitive heart and your pensive mind. You are multifaceted and absolutely amazing!

You are still a huge sports fan. And you still love "all the balls." You played basketball last winter. You followed the Texas Rangers and learned a lot about baseball during the spring and summer. You graduated up to the tackle football team this fall, and your team made it to the playoffs. You are now looking forward to playing soccer this winter and baseball next spring. You also love to watch sports on TV and go to live sporting events, and you are rarely seen without a ball of some sort in close proximity.

In the past year, your reading and writing abilities have really blossomed. You are now reading even in your free time, for your own entertainment. You love mysteries and historical fiction, and you also still enjoy non-fiction. You have started learning to write in cursive, which has been a challenge but has actually helped you improve your penmanship. You also really get a kick out of Science. You have recently declared that you'd like to be a chemical engineer (in the off-season, when you aren't playing pro football) when you grow up, and you requested a chemistry set for your birthday. Your favorite subject, and the thing that probably comes easiest to you, is still Math. You are looking forward to competing in PSIA Math, Spelling, Writing and Storytelling contests in the spring. And, you are doing very well at memorizing your CC work.

You still have an insatiable appetite and are really passionate about food. You are particularly fond of carbs and almost anything that can be classified as junk food, but you are a good sport about following our family rule of half fruits and veggies.

You are well liked by your peers and are adored by adults. People of all ages seem comfortable with you, because you are just so easygoing. You have such a big heart and are always so willing to give and to help. You give sincere compliments and just seem to love freely and laugh easily. And, you have an excellent sense of humor. You are a delight!

These eight years have been such a blast, Weston! You have helped me learn so much about boys, and you have been a constant source of joy (even on the days we didn't see eye to eye)! I love everything about you, and I'm so glad I get to be your mom! Happy 8th Birthday!


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