Summer 2017

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Watts Weekend

  • The kids and I participated in a fun field tip to Longhorn Cavern with our CC group. 
  • The boys and I ran errands, while Ruth attended her art class.
  • We closed on our Kingwood house!!! Finally, the albatross is lifted.
  • We had breakfast for dinner and watched "Tangled."
  • It was early to bed due to early sports the next day.
  • Ruth had a volleyball game at 8:00, which ended in her team's first victory of the season.
  • Max played football at 9:00, and his team was also victorious.
  • Weston's football game was at 10:00, and his team came away with a win as well. 
  • Ruth and Jeff each took a turn in the concession stand during the football games.
  • Mimi came to all the games and spent the afternoon with us.
  • We had lunch at Tea Thyme after Weston's game, which is a place with lots of healthy options that we all just love. 
  • We visited a life-size Old Testament Tabernacle replica, which will be set up in Marble Falls all week. It was very well done, and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 
  • I found somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand acorns in my washing machine and still don't know whether that was courtesy of just one boy or a concerted effort by all three. It was a good reminder to check pockets before throwing the clothes in.
  • Weston, along with the rest of us, got to watch his beloved Longhorns take home a win.
  • Ruth cleaned out and organized both refrigerators, which just makes happy. The cleaning part was one of her assigned chores for this week, but the organizing was her own idea. She's a girl after my own heart. 
  • We set up a pizza bar, and everyone got to create their own culinary masterpieces for dinner. 
  • I had several strokes while watching the Aggies try to eek out the victory over Ole Miss. I do not need that kind of stress in my life!
  • The rain came down all night long, making beautiful music to sleep by, as it tapped on the metal roof. 
  • Clay slept all night, which he has not been in the habit of doing lately.
  • Clay slept in until 7:30, which he also hasn't been in the habit of doing lately.
  • The Dish Network service guy was at our house at 8:00 am to work on our satellite, on a Sunday, on a ladder, in the pouring rain. It was a pretty amazing customer service experience.
  • Everyone else also slept in, as the rain continued to soak our little part of the world. 
  • There were waffles and omelets for breakfast.
  • I got all my CC prep work done before noon.
  • Pinterest put the idea of a full-size milk carton igloo in my head, and now I'm trying to figure out how to save enough milk cartons to make it happen. I think my kids might be able to overlook some of my parenting uncoolness if I could make this appear in our loft. Jeff figured out that at our current rapid rate of milk consumption, it would take me about two years to save up enough, which kind of put a damper on my enthusiasm.
  • Jeff tapped our surplus of sweet potatoes and made a delicious sweet potato and chicken curry for lunch and a yummy crustless sweet potato pie for dessert.
  • A flock of wild turkeys wandered through our property and were just right outside our living room windows, causing all manner of excitement on the other side of the glass.
  • Jeff created a web page for us to post articles we come across that help build vocabulary. We are trying this new contextual approach to learning vocabulary in our homeschool. Ruth reads an article or two during a particular class time, writes down and defines any words she doesn't know, and then discusses the article and the unknown words with either Jeff or myself. The web site is a way for us to gather our resources together and even share them with others. 
  • Weston got to go to a birthday party for one of his football teammates at Pizza Hut, and I got to flex my socializing-with-people-I-don't-know muscles.
  • I made the unfortunate choice to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, but now we have plenty of everything, so we should be good for a while. 

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