Summer 2017

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Old Soul

While we were at Campmeeting this summer, Weston spent a portion of his time with some of our friends, playing "Forty-two" and talking about all the things that make his life great. After a few days of chatting with them, our friend declared Weston to be an "old soul." We had never put it in those words, but since then, we have come to see that that is a perfect description for Weston. He might even be an old English soul. He loves British names, and he asked for a top hat for his half-birthday back in May. When we were shopping for school clothes, he picked out a pair of shoes, which I think I have probably seen only at a nursing home. Recently, he was making a list of things he wanted for his birthday, and we were so surprised to see "handkerchiefs" on the list. I immediately ordered him a monogrammed set. I can just see him sitting around in a small town coffee shop, talking about the weather, with a bunch of bifocaled and bald headed men.

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