Summer 2017

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First day of fall

We slept in this morning and woke to the glorious cool air rushing through our open windows and the smell of homemade pumpkin bread filling the house. That's the perfect way to wake up on the first day of fall! Mid-morning, we decided to invite Mimi to join us for brunch at the Iron Cactus in Bee Cave. What an amazing brunch buffet! And, just a table away, there sat a lady doing face painting! And, a charity 5K was just finishing up right outside the patio where we were sitting, and they had four balloons they needed to dispose of as part of their clean-up, and we had four kids, so it worked out just great. When we finished eating, Ruth and I visited a couple of shops in the Hill Country Galleria, while the boys frolicked in the amphitheater area. Finally, we rejoined and took the show down the road a piece. Our next stop was the Hamilton Pool Preserve, where we hiked and took in the breathtaking scenery and refreshing weather. When the smallest among us began to get tired, we headed back to the house to get in some Sunday football and naps. It was truly a lovely day (which we desperately needed after some of the preceding days)! How did you celebrate the first day of fall?


  1. Isn't Hamilton Pool beautiful?
    We celebrated with runny noses and unpacking while it rained ;)

  2. Hamilton Pool is amazing! We will definitely go back sometime. They only had the pool trail open today, so we want to see the river trail, too.

    Sorry your group had the sniffles. Hope everyone feel better soon. My parents have been in Seattle since Wed. and said the weather was very nice. Hope you guys had some of that before the rain descended. I have been following your move on Facebook. Hope you get settled in soon.


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