Summer 2017

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Batty Field Trip

We had a two-part field trip to Austin today. During the first part, we visited the Austin Nature Center, where we had an opportunity to learn about bats, see a live one close up and play some fun games, as well as enjoy some of the other features of the Nature Center. The second part consisted of a bat cruise on Lady Bird Lake (formerly, Town Lake) to watch the Mexican Free-tailed Bat colony fly out from under the Congress Bridge for their nightly bug-based feast. We learned a lot and had a really good time!

Getting batty at the Nature Center

Blind as a bat, playing "Bats and Moths"

Taking a closer look at a leaf-nosed bat

Ready to cruise

Congress Bridge, home of 1.5 million Mexican Free-tailed mamas and babies, but no daddies

Here they come!

*In case you're wondering who the extra kid is in some of the photos, that's my nephew, who we were excited to have with us for this outing!

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