Summer 2017

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Playing for real

I have always told Jeff that I am willing to go anywhere, anytime. And, as long as we've been married, we have played this game called "If you could go anywhere in the world, but you had to leave right now, with just the clothes on your back, where would you go?" My answer is almost always a vague "beach." But last night, Jeff decided it was time we stopped the hypothetical game and started playing for real. He presented me with an early anniversary card that read, "I have made arrangements for the kids, the cat and our schedules, so the question is..." And, I'm not even kidding when I tell you we did not go home but instead pointed our car toward Austin to catch the first available flight to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic! We are enroute now, and I still can't believe it!

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