Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peas like a river

It was exceptionally peaceful around here today, with Ruth at her Challenge class and the big boys playing at a friend's house. My plan was to take advantage of the non-teaching, non-refereeing day to check some of the things off my never-ending to-do list. The first order of business was a project I actually started yesterday. While getting food out of the freezer for dinner yesterday afternoon, a humungous bag of peas, left over from Campmeeting, caught my eye and practically begged to be dealt with. It desperately needed to be divided into smaller, more reasonable portions. So, I pried it out of the freezer and set it out on the kitchen counter to thaw a bit so I could actually work with it. Peas apparently take a really long time to thaw out, and by bedtime, they were still so stuck together that I couldn't even begin to divvy them up. So, that was project number one for today. They still were not totally thaw this morning, but they had produced a rather large river all over the countertop. Once the peas were dealt with, my little partner and I headed upstairs to tackle the storage closet. Two minutes after we arrived, Clay found the red craft paint and spilled it all over himself. Two minutes after getting him cleaned up, he peed in his pants. And, approximately two minutes after changing him into new shorts and undies, he pooped in his pants. So, it was a super-productive day. But, I must admit, there was an abundance of peace and quiet, so I can't complain too much!

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