Summer 2017

Friday, June 14, 2013

This Week...

  • The big boys attended Nana Camp, which included swimming, bowling, lazar tag, a play date, an overnight stay in Arlington, a Texas Rangers baseball game and probably a whole bunch of things I don't even know about. 
  • We acquired a foosball table, which we measured not quite accurately and so punched a hole in the wall while trying to carry it up the stairs. 
  • Wall repair.
  • Ruth started a new job, working for Strongpages (Jeff's company), and she has done an amazing job.
  • Ruth got to watch a bunch of movies the boys are not quite old enough for yet.
  • Our tree trimmer has gotten mostly finished, and our property looks so much better.
  • Our landscaper finally got back to us with some plans, and we are super-excited to move forward with that, hopefully in the near future. 
  • The door that leads from the house to the garage was falling out of it's jamb, so we had someone here to repair that.
  • I attended a CC conference in the morning and taught a training class in the afternoon for three days in Austin.
  • The exterminator's rotation began, and we are really looking forward to fewer ants and scorpions around here.
  • We are all packed up for a weekend with family, celebrating the imminent arrival of our niece/cousin.

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