Summer 2017

Thursday, June 06, 2013


Hey, Cheek. You're eleven. And that's pretty unbelievable! The years are just racing by, and I am completely powerless to stop them it seems.

I'm not going to lie to you. This year has been a little rocky for all of us, as you have entered the baffling "tween" years--so aptly named because you are truly between a little girl and a young woman. When you were about three or four, we had a book called "Big and Little," which showed many of the ways a child that same age was big but still little. We are definitely in the next stage of that. You are big, and you're little. Some days, you still enjoy playing with your dolls and watching silly cartoons with your brothers. Other days, the very insinuation that you might do those things will send you into a fit of eye rolls that seems like it might require surgery to correct. Some days you are congenial and chatty. Other days, you are snarky and abrupt. Some days you go through the gamut multiple times and you don't even know why or how to stop it. You may not believe this, but I remember what it was like. Heck, some days, I do the exact same thing, even though I'm a grown-up, who is supposed to have it all together. :)

Your body and emotions are changing, as is your way of thinking about the world around you. I want you to know these things are normal. And, I want you to know that Dad and I love you very much! I'm telling you this because you aren't always going to feel like they are or that we do.

There has been more to this year than all that, though. You got your braces off in September and had your hair cut short on the same day. And, before and after, you were and are absolutely beautiful!

You started taking horse riding lessons in August, which instantly became and remains the highlight of your week. You are still taking piano lessons and have improved so much in this last year. You memorized a handful of songs to play for a National Piano Guild audition in April, and you received the very highest marks they give. You played basketball in the winter, and before games, you worked in the concession stand alongside your best friend's family to help them raise money for the adoption of a little boy from China. You even donated some of your own money to their cause just because you were touched by their story. You participated in PSIA again this year, in five different events, and you qualified for the state meet in two events. You also became a CC Memory Master, which required a great deal of hard work and focus. It was a goal you (and Dad and I) set and were glad you met, since it was to be your last year in the Foundations program. Next year, you will be moving up to Challenge A, with students who are, for the most part, a year older than you and will be working at a seventh grade level. This is absolutely the right place for you, and Dad and I are confident that you will do great!

I know it must be frustrating sometimes to be the only girl in a household full of loud, messy boys, but you are such an amazing big sister! You love on and take care of all of your brothers, and you generally seem to enjoy their company. You have your own special bond with each of them, and they are all very fortunate to have you in their lives.

Dad and I are also so very blessed to have you in our lives! We love you so much and just couldn't be prouder of you! Sometimes it may seem to you like we are completely detached from reality or that we don't understand you at all or that we are just plain ridiculous. And, frankly, that may be true to some extent. But, you need to know that we are always on your side and that we love you beyond what words are able to convey! You are, by far, our favorite eleven-year-old!

I love you, Sweet Girl!


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