Summer 2017

Friday, May 31, 2013

Epic Epcot

We decided to sleep in this morning, so we didn't step off the bus at Epcot until about 9:30. This we did to the complaints of tummy aches of two big kids and a screaming fit from our favorite toddler. My first stop upon entering the park was the gift shop to buy Pepto. Having dispensed the meds, we got in line for "Spaceship Earth," a slow-moving ride inside the iconic silver ball. By 10:00, Weston was puking over a rail, and we waited for his stomach to settle a bit before he and I began the process of trying to get out of line (which really isn't all that easy). He felt better after the purge but only wanted to lay on a bench while we waited for the others to exit the ride. By the time they rejoined us, Weston felt well enough to visit the "Innovations" exhibit. We looked around there for a while, but by 11:30, everyone was in agreement that we should go ahead and keep our lunch reservation at the aquarium restaurant and then head back to the resort for some rest. Everyone perked up a bit during lunch, but about half-way through the meal, Weston jumped out of his seat and literally started running for the restroom. Unfortunately, he was just a bit too late, and diarrhea claimed the bottom half of his wardrobe. Jeff quickly excused himself to the nearest over-priced gift shop to find the poor boy some replacement duds. While Jeff was away, Ruth got choked on something and coughed and sputtered for several long minutes, and Clay launched a piece of pizza across the restaurant, which landed on an adjacent table, which was, thankfully, unoccupied. Just about the time Jeff returned, Clay announced his need to go potty, and then promptly drenched himself in Sprite and went into hysterics, so I scooped him up for a speedy exit and a wardrobe change. When we were all together again, we decided to see the rest of the aquarium and then leave. All I can tell you about Epcot is that the Coral Reef restaurant is very nice (and we were so glad they didn't kick us out!), the aquarium is pretty cool and the restrooms seem to be very functional and plentiful. It was also much less crowed than Magic Kingdom. Also, if you need Pepto, you have to ask for it, because they keep it behind the counter, completely out of view. And, according to Jeff, the undies are not in a terribly obvious location either. But, they do have them, up to size 10, if you aren't picky about style. We are back at the resort resting now and praying we will all be better for it.

Spaceship Earth

Innovations test lab
(The big boys are trying to bust a T.V. screen)

He doesn't care what happens on the screen,
he just wants to steer!

Coral Reef restaurant

watching the manatees

shark bait

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    NOTE!!!! You and Chey-Anne should never go on vacation together as you have the same kind of luck!! LOL Linda Sue


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