Summer 2017

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Animal Kingdom

We were up at the crack of dawn this morning so that we could get over to Animal Kingdom well before they actually opened the park. We had been warned by so many people of the need to arrive early in order to do the really popular rides, that we seriously took it to heart. They opened the main gate at 8:30 so we could all "enjoy the Oasis." But none of us had any intention of doing that. We all lined up like a bunch of Olympians at the starting line of the big race, behind a roped off area, so we could all be the first to participate in the Kilimanjaro Safari. When the ropes came down at 9:00, we literally raced to the other side of the park trying to beat the hundreds of others racing alongside us. Thanks to Ruth and Max's quick feet, we ended up very near the front of the line and were able to do the safari ride right away. It really was amazing, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it! Clay was especially excited to find the animals in the savannah, some of which were very close to our vehicle. After that, we headed over to DinoLand, where we rode rides, played in a fossil-themed play area, watched the wonderful show "Finding Nemo, The Musical," and had some lunch. Then, we caught the train to the petting zoo. And, then we headed back to DinoLand so the big kids could ride some more rides, while Clay took a little siesta. Later, we saw "The Festival of the Lion King," which was a really fantastic show that all the kids (and adults) loved. When that was over, we rode a somewhat scary dinosaur ride a couple of times, before heading back to Africa for dinner at an African-themed buffet. After dinner, we decided to catch the bus back to the hotel, so the kids could swim while it was still light. It was a full and fun day!

A favorite from the safari

This big guy was hanging out right by the road

making some African music

The Tree of Life
The Triceratops Spin

The Bone Yard

Dino Buddies

A scene from "Finding Nemo"

Dinosaur, The Ride
Dinner at the Tusker House

1 comment:

  1. SO fun, Mandi! It looks like everyone is having a blast! Here's to great sleep and another awesome day tomorrow...


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