Summer 2017

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Oh, hail!

This day was gray and drizzly from the outset, and the kids at CC were disappointed that I had to put the kibosh on an outside recess. But, about the time CC ended for the day, the grayness turned to an almost blackness, and the skies let loose the most impressive and terrifying hail storm I believe I have ever witnessed. Inside the church where we meet, the sound was deafening. And outside, the lawn turned solid white with the golfball-sized balls of ice, which soon became lakes. As the children pressed their faces to the front door to watch the spectacle, the hail claimed a window on the other side of the foyer. This sent several children into hysterics, and the adults quickly began moving the kids away from the windows and into the sanctuary.

When the worst of the storm had passed and the rain had subsided enough to allow us passage to our vehicles, we quickly loaded up our things and made hasty inspections for damage. No car was left undented. But one also revealed a cracked windshield. That one was mine. It's a low crack, on the driver's side. It's not detrimental for driving, but it's just crazy that it happened at all. And I can't tell you how funny it is to know that, for the first time in my history of car ownership, I had a nice, safe, hail-free place to park my vehicle at the house, and it hailed on the only day I had to be away from the house and have my van parked out in the elements! Good one, God!

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