Summer 2017

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Airing my dirty laundry

Y'all. The last couple of weeks the laundry has totally gotten away from me. And, at this point, I'm not sure if I'll ever recover. I am able to get everything washed and dried just fine, but the folding and putting away keep getting shuffled to the bottom of the to-do list, while the bench and counter in the laundry room keep collecting the clean garments and linens, and the inhabitants of this house keep making early-morning hunting trips to that room. Frankly, I have no motivation to try to complete this unfulfilling chore. Clothes folded only end up unfolded in the first search for what to wear. Or scattered to the furthest reaches of bedrooms and bathrooms. Or dirty. Again. The level of Mt. Laundry has just about reached the level of my insanity, though, so something must be done. So, I'm clearing my schedule for tomorrow, and I'm going in. If I don't make it out alive, know that I did, in fact, die in vain. I'm thinking perhaps it's time to revamp the whole laundry system, so feel free to share your tried-and-true tips. Or, just chime in with your own story of laundry gone amuck. (Of course, I will recognize that these stories are completely fabricated just to make me feel better, because I KNOW none of you would ever let your laundry get out of hand!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I was just telling Kyle yesterday how much I detest laundry-it's NEVER ending! I was doing a quick couple of loads my kids were griping about taking their clothes to their rooms. I, in turn, starting yelling at them that I hate laundry too, and I would rather be doing something else! They just looked at the crazy lady! Since we've moved to the new house, every kid has a basket. When it's folded, I put their pieces in each basket. Before bed, they have to take it to their room and put it up and/or hang it up & bring me the basket back. It's not as straight in their drawers as if I would have done it, but I've just had to let that go. I haven't decided if it's best to devote one entire day to laundry or try to do a few loads per day. I usually end up doing two loads per day, but it seems like there is always laundry to fold so that gets on my nerves! Can't wait to see if anyone else has some great ideas!


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