Summer 2017

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

24 weeks gone in a flash

Today was our last CC class day for this school year, which is absolutely unbelievable to me! It seems like just yesterday I was trembling in my boots, wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew with this director gig. But, it has been an amazing year! I have thoroughly enjoyed watching our students and parents grow in friendships and knowledge. And I have relished being in a leadership position within this wonderful community, which has stretched me in some very good ways! I just can't believe we've come to the end of our 24 weeks. It went by so incredibly quickly! My kids and I are already looking forward to the next school year!

In the afternoon Essentials class, the kids read a big research paper they wrote during the year, dressed up as characters from Ancient History. Ruth was Cleopatra. After they read, we had snacks and the kids got to "shop" for prizes. It was a very fun way to end the year!

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