Summer 2017

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break

We did not take the week off from school and work, since we are planning to vacation during most of May and want to have have things wrapped up before that time. But we did have a break from most of our extracurricular activities, and we managed to work in some out-of-the-ordinary fun. Here's a run-down:

  • Two lunch outings
  • One dinner outing
  • A viewing of the Pan-STARRS comet
  • Disney vacation planning
  • Delivery of a beautiful bouquet of tulips to me from my Sweetie
  • The singing zoologist concert
  • Donating no-longer-needed/wanted items from a closet cleaning project
  • Pi Day
  • Mom's Night Out
  • Time with grandparents
  • Several games of Checkers
  • A story written for and about Max by his new favorite author: me
  • Siting on the porch, enjoying the beautiful spring weather
  • A much-needed pedicure
  • Hanging out at Starbucks with friends
  • Girls-only shopping trip
  • Some driveway baseball
  • A few games of War
  • Windows open
  • Video viewing 
And, tomorrow morning, we get to watch the implosion of the 281 Bridge in Marble Falls! What a great week! 

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