Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thankless, but not always

There is a reason motherhood is called "a thankless job." It's because a mother continually does stuff for other people, who seem never to notice she's done anything at all and who certainly never think of thanking her for what she's done. But, truthfully, mother's aren't in it for the thanks or praise. Mothers are just gluttons for punishment and rather enjoy the abuse and neglect. I'm kidding. We are in it for much nobler reasons than that. But, every once in a great while, we do get a heartfelt thank-you from those the Lord has entrusted to our care, and nothing feels quite like it. Yesterday, I actually got TWO unsolicited "thank-yous," from two different kids, reviving my faith in modern-day miracles and putting me on Cloud 9 for the rest of the evening. Honestly, I would have looked high and low for books about Cleopatra for a research paper and searched the darkest recesses of the closet for clean underwear without bitterness or expectation of accolades, just because I consider those types of things part of the job description. But, I will admit to basking in those moments of praise, which made me truly glad that I had spent time on those endeavors and may have given me the will to continue on in this thankless journey.

The Lord must feel a bit like that with His children, as well. He would love on us and give us everything we need for an abundant life, without expecting anything in return, just because that's what He does. But, how it must make Him smile and love us all the more when we acknowledge those gifts that we often take for granted! Let me not have a thankless heart today, but rather let me acknowledge and praise the Giver of "every good and perfect gift" (James 1:17).

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