Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Well, I haven't been blogging lately because my husband has introduced me to the Harry Potter movies, and I have gotten completely sucked in. If you're thinking, "Huh, I wouldn't have guessed Mandi would be a Harry Potter fan," well, join the club. I didn't really think I'd be a fan, either. But, I love the creativity of the stories and am totally engaged. If you're thinking, "Wow! Didn't those movies come out over a decade ago?!" the answer is "Yes." We are VERY far behind the times in our movie watching. Having kids will do that to you.

But to make up for the literary genius you've no doubt been missing on this blog, I will leave you with pictures of a really cute baby, which always covers a multitude of sins.

the law around these parts

Toughness personified



  1. All is forgiven because he is super cute! Harry Potter is wonderful. Please tell me you read the books before you watched the movies, though.

  2. Crystal, I'm sorry to say that I did not read the books before watching the movies, which is not my normal MO. Like I said, I didn't really think they were going to be my cup of tea, and I didn't want to invest the time into reading them. I'm sorry now that I didn't. Jeff read them, though.


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