Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A face only a mother could love

Have you ever seen anything so pitiful? This kid has literally been taking it on the chin lately. It started with the chin-splitting incident out at the ranch, just before the new year. Then, the day we got home from the cruise, Max eagerly worked with Jeff to set up the zip line he got for his birthday. He took to that like he takes to everything: full force. Unfortunately, the lower part of his face was the first part of him to meet with the tree. (As an aside, let me just say that the zip line was one of those really challenging gifts that put my mother's desire to give her child a gift he would REALLY love at odds with her desire to keep him safe. In truth, it was his father who pushed me to buy the unsafe, but super-fun gift, which is now off-limits until it can be made a bit more safe or until the users can figure out how to stop themselves with more reasonable body parts.) Today, he managed to take a swing to the face, which reopened the busted lip and put a nice little bump on his forehead. And not an hour later, he had bumped his chin and reopened yet another wound. There has been a tremendous amount of crying and bleeding. It breaks my heart. But, seriously, I do love this face!

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