Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What's your secret?

Hey there, readers. I'm doing a little research for a writing project I'm thinking about taking on, and I need your help. What I want to know is this: What do you consider to be the secret(s) to a happy marriage? I don't care if you're young or old, male or female. And I don't care if you've been married 80 years or if you've never been married. I'm willing to bet everyone out there has some thoughts about this. Your answers can be silly or serious, have a story to go with them or just stand alone. Comment here on the blog, or on my Facebook page, but please comment. The more secrets I can collect, the better.


  1. There are two things that I think are vitally important to a marriage:
    1. The couple must be friends and enjoy "hanging out" or doing things with each other.
    2. The couple must be a team in all aspects of life and the marriage.


Say what you need to say