Summer 2017

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5K before breakfast

Sorry I've been absent from the blog for a while. But between my more-than-full-time (unpaid) day job, my actual paying job and the multitude of holiday parties, well, "ain't nobody got time for that." But, today, I have big news! Back in January, Jeff and I started a running program to fulfill one of our New Year's resolutions. (Couch to 5K, if you're interested.) I'm no runner, so the thought of running a 5K seemed pretty fantastical to me. In fact, at that time, I could barely run for one minute without huffing and puffing and feeling like I was going to die. But, we kept it up, and eventually, I improved. By mid-summer, I could run for about 20 minutes at 5 miles an hour. I wasn't ready for a 5K, but I was feeling pretty good about myself and the progress I was making. Then, I had an intimate encounter with the concrete, and my running program came to a screeching halt. For two months, the pain and the fear and the advice of the doctors kept me off the treadmill, except for the occasional slow-paced walk. When I was finally given the o.k. to go back to running, I was definitely not where I had been. But, at least I wasn't completely back to square one. I have been running pretty consistently every other day since then, usually at 5 miles an hour. And today, I finally ran my 5K! There were no cheering fans or free t-shirts, but I certainly felt like a winner! And for any of you out there who may be considering starting something that seems impossible or beyond what you think you are capable of, I would just like to encourage you to go ahead and get started, and keep at it, even if you have to move slowly. Because nothing feels quite like doing something you didn't think you could do!


  1. OK, I've been motivated. I bought the treadmill a while back and walk on it every morning, but starting after the new year I'm going to try this program. I want to be able to do a mud run with Sharon. They look like so much fun. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm real proud of you.

  2. Thanks, Crystal, and best of luck to as you step into a running program in the new year! Couch to 5K is broken down into small chunks and is very doable. And, for me, running on the treadmill is nice because everything is measurable. I can't say I have any plans for a mud run, though. That seems more like torture than fun to me!


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