Summer 2017

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hook 'Em

 As an Aggie, that is not a blog title I thought I would ever write. But, alas, my oldest son is completely obsessed with the Longhorns, so what can I do. For his birthday, Jeff and I gave him two tickets to the UT/Iowa State game, which was today. I dare say a better birthday gift has never been given. Weston was absolutely thrilled! He counted down the days with enthusiasm. Besides the game itself, he was also looking forward to tailgating. The game was to begin at 11:00, but he wanted to arrived at the earliest possible time. So, he and Jeff left the house at 6:00 this morning, with doughnuts, cinnamons rolls, Yoohoo drinks and camping chairs in tow. They also stopped and picked up breakfast tacos along the way. Weston was in heaven. He loved every minute, and has thanked us over and over for giving him such a great birthday present. He even made mention of his thankfulness in his bedtime prayers tonight. As a parent, it feels good to finally get something so right!

Upon opening the tickets

Proudly wearing the orange and white

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe your boys are wearing those shirts!!!

    Way to let your kids live their OWN life, Mandi :) (says the Longhorn rancher)


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