Summer 2017

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A different kind of storm

Besides the Toddler Tornado we have running around the house, we also have a storm of an entirely different kind brewing. And, frankly, this one simultaneously scares and fascinates me, in the manner of any decent storm! All at once, my oldest child has come into the Tempest of Preteen. As the storm gathers steam, I can appreciate the beauty of of this time of life, where my little girl begins her struggle to become a woman. But, I also want all of us to get through the next few years with as little damage done as possible. I remember, so vividly, this time of my own life, which I'm not at all sure I weathered gracefully. So, I wonder how on earth am I to lead someone else through it?! Foolishly, I thought I had more time to prepare, or that maybe, just maybe, we would never actually enter into this turbulent time. But, alas, we are here. There is no denying the new training bras I bought over the weekend, the frequent talks about peer relationships, or the wild mood swings and incessant arguing. It's time to batten down the hatches and renew my faith in rainbows.

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