Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On a Tuesday

  • The alarm went off at 5:30 this morning.
  • Jeff went to a Rotary Club meeting at 7:00.
  • The kids and I arrived at our CC campus at 8:20, for the first day back.
  • Jeff met us there at 8:30, so he could help me unload the van and stick around for the first family presentation of the semester, featuring the Watts family.
  • Our opening assembly began at 9:00.
  • At 9:30, I took my first full breathe of the day (or possibly the entire summer), as I sent all the CC kids to their classrooms and our semester officially began. 
  • From 1:00-3:00, I stood up in front of a class of 4th-6th graders and introduced Grammar, Math and Writing concepts. 
  • At 3:45, the kids and I pulled out of the parking lot and picked up snacks and drinks at Sonic. 
  • We then had 15 minutes to run to the library for this week's books.
  • Ruth had to be at piano lessons at 4:30.
  • During the lesson, I went to 2 different banks.
  • I picked Ruth up at 5:00.
  • We met Jeff at a local restaurant for dinner at 5:15.
  • Jeff had a Toastmasters meeting at 6:00.
  • And Weston had football practice at 6:30. 
  • We finally got home around 8:30.
  • And got the kids in bed at 10 'til 9:00. 
  • Now, I think it's my turn to hit the hay!

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