Summer 2017

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Socially Awkward

I'm not a naturally gifted people-person. People--especially those I don't know very well--make me nervous. I think it's the thought of trying to put together witty, interesting, coherent sentences in a face-to-face, on-the-spot situation. I'm much better in written form, where I can collect my thoughts and rewrite whatever doesn't come out right the first time. But, people are a part of life, and in my on-going effort to "do hard things," I make myself interact with people regularly. Unfortunately, I think I rarely make a very good first impression, because I talk too much, and I talk too fast, and I don't make eye contact. It's my pitiful cover. When I know I'm going to be thrown into a socializing situation, I coach myself: "Be calm. Slow down. Shut up." It almost never works. But, I'm determined to continue to work on this character flaw. And, I'm determined not to grow up to be a hermit. I sincerely apologize if you are one of the unfortunates who has had to sit through my bumbling babbling. I'm awkward, I know, but I still want to be your friend.


  1. Oh, Mandi.... I feel your pain. The only difference is that I try to avoid meeting new people specially if I know only one person in a group.
    Once my parents made me go to a kid bday party to watch my siblings, and it was packed all seats were taken there wasn't a single spot for me to sit down. I had to watch the magic show with the kids then.... until I couldn't take that anymore and went to the bathroom and cried.... I couldn't wait to leave that place.
    I haven't cried in a party ever since, but I try to avoid social events full of strangers.

  2. Oh, Mandi.... I feel your pain. The only difference is that I try to avoid meeting new people specially if I know only one person in a group.
    Once my parents made me go to a kid bday party to watch my siblings, and it was packed all seats were taken there wasn't a single spot for me to sit down. I had to watch the magic show with the kids then.... until I couldn't take that anymore and went to the bathroom and cried.... I couldn't wait to leave that place.
    I haven't cried in a party ever since, but I try to avoid social events full of strangers.

  3. I don't remember you that way at all. I've always thought of you as a smart strong woman.

  4. Hi Mandi, All I can say is that when I first met you, you were everything BUT awkward!! you were nice and welcoming and funny. And I feel blessed to have met both you and Jeff and your kids while we lived in Austin.

  5. Thank you, Efrat! I appreciate your kind words. We also enjoyed getting to know you when we all lived in Austin, and we are glad to have you for a friend still!


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