Summer 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Better with age

34.5 That's my age, as of today. I'm well on my way to the midpoint of my thirties. And, you know what? This is the best time of my life!  I dreaded turning thirty--felt like I was leaving my youth behind somehow. But here in my mid-thirties, I see things so much differently. I spent my twenties uncomfortable in my own skin and unsure of my own mind. I took myself much too seriously, and often treated life like it was some kind of heavy burden. But somewhere along the way, I've grown into myself. And I rather like who I've become (am becoming). I truly feel that I'm getting better with age. And, that's definitely something to celebrate!


  1. Happy half birthday. You are definitely getting better every day and I love you more and more.


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