Summer 2017

Sunday, February 05, 2012

9 Months

It's been a big month for our Little Bitty. He ushered in another tooth and has given up baby food and nursing almost completely. He is eating all kinds of table foods and has finally landed his dot on the very first line of the growth chart! Woohoo! And, miracle of miracles, he has started drinking liquid out of cup. For months, we have tried to get him to drink formula and water. We have offered several types of bottles and cups. We have tried flavoring the formula in a variety of ways. We have even tried shooting it in his mouth with a syringe. And absolutely nothing has worked. Until this week, when I decided to try soy milk. He still isn't guzzling it down, but at least he isn't spitting it out every time, and sometimes he is even willingly drinking it. He is still wearing size three diapers and mostly 3-6 month clothes. He is wearing a few 6 month/6-9 month onsies and sleepers. And now for the real fun: He has started clapping, waving, giving five and pulling up to standing. What he would really like to do is stand straight up from the floor and take off walking, but he hasn't quite figured that one out yet--though he does look super-cute with his little tushy sticking up in the air. The Sunday school teachers report that he is trying to mimic animal sounds, but I have not heard him do that myself yet. I have heard him make an adorable kissing sound, though, which I absolutely love. He also "talks" all the time and one of my favorite things is when the big kids are at martial arts and he mimics the "hi-yas." He is happy and sweet, and absolutely just the best little thing. I seriously cannot believe he is already nine months old!

Two teeth poking through the pasta sauce

Up he goes

Little Man

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