Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For you fashionistas out there: HELP!

For me, clothes have always been more about function than fashion. I wear what's comfortable and what's affordable. I don't follow fashion trends. I don't even know what's cool. In fact, when I look at magazines that discuss fashion or (rarely) visit trendy boutiques, I usually end up feeling like I just don't get it. In the past, I have tried to look "nice" but really haven't cared about being "fashionable." But lately, just walking into my closet makes me feel frumpy and unattractive. And, if I ever do try to put together a somewhat fashionable outfit, I end up feeling like I'm playing dress-up or that I haven't quite hit what I was aiming for. I need to spice things up, but I don't even know where to begin. I SERIOUSLY NEED SOME HELP! That's where you all come in. I know some of you out there have an eye for fashion. Tell me where you shop. Give me some go-to brands. Send me some online shopping links. Explain to me what goes with what. Or better yet, just go out and buy me several outfits and come over and put them together for me.


  1. oh, honey. We are living the same life. Curt recently gave me a part of his bonus $ from work to buy new clothes... because I felt like a bag lady and haven;t bought anything new in like 7 years. I spent 1/2 and am now waiting for the seasons to change for the other half :)

    Eddie Bauer has CHANGED since we were kids. Or, we've changed. Also, is my dream place :)

  2. I feel the same way, my style now: frumpy :[

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Favorite places to shop: Target, Nordstrom BP (cheaper section) for dresses and shirts, LOFT, and J Crew. I would start with one thing- a great pair of jeans. Brands: Seven or Joe's. You can sometimes find them on sale but you'll still pay over $100. Crazy I know but I still have my sevens from 6 years ago!!! Then add a couple of shirts from LOFT or Target and you have a great start! If you're ever in Dallas I would LOVE to go shopping!!! This is my favorite thing to do- I posted about helping out my sister a few months ago! I can also send you some links. Hope this helps!!

  5. Also check out fashion Fridays on the Big Mama blog....

  6. Sherry, you were one of the people I had in mind when I delivered my desperate cry for help. Thanks for the tips!

    Katie, thank you for the recommendations. I hadn't heard of Sundance before. I'll have to check that out. I'm glad you are getting to splurge on yourself! It's no good feeling like a bag lady!

    Kim, thanks for the show of solidarity. We can overcome the frumpiness!

  7. I definately don't fit into the fashionista category, so I definately shouldn't be giving tips. However, my go to sites are: and

    I try to recreate outfits that others have put together.

  8. You can shop in my closet--I know, I'm not too up on fashion either but I'm ready to thin things out again! Love, Mom

  9. 1) Khols. They have clothes for work, going out or staying in that are affordable and will last. If you dont' mind digging through sale racks, they ALWAYS have stuff 50-75% off!

    2)If you can afford it, get a pair of Seven jeans. They are expensive (over $100) but they will last forever, they never shrink or fade, and they do amazing and wonderful things to your butt. They also tailor them for FREE. You only need one pair, in a dark wash.

    3)Before you go shopping, do some pre-shopping by looking at stores or magz to see whats new. But just because it's in style doesn't mean it will work for you, so stick with things you feel comfortable and confident in.

    4)I don't care how many other people wear them, I just can't do skinny jeans. But the nice thing is that jeans come in so many varieties and sytles now, if you can get some time by yourself just try on alllll different brands/kinds and see what works for you

    5)The trick to accessorizing without going broke is to find statement items that are really cool (big sunglasses, a chunky bracelet)yet versitale enough to go with everything, so you only need to buy ONE.

    6) Belts, boots, bags follow the rule of two- get one in black, one in brown and you are set!

  10. Thanks, Ladies! You are all just wonderful!


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