Summer 2017

Thursday, January 05, 2012

8 months

My Little Bitty is 8 months old. He is getting better at executing a proper crawl, but he still reverts to the army crawl when he really wants to get somewhere in a hurry. However, what he would really like to do is get up and walk, I think. He has an awesome bear stance, which he can turn into a perfect sitting position. This kid has a crazy big appetite, but it isn't helping much with the weight gain. He weighs 15 pounds, 10 1/2 ounces, but he still hasn't found his place on the growth chart yet. He has set a Watts kid record by producing a tooth in the last week, outpacing the others by a good two months, at the earliest. Maybe with the addition of teeth, he will be able to add steak to his diet and put on a few pounds. He has outgrown the 0-3 month clothes and is even wearing a few 6 month onesies. But most of his wardrobe still consists of 3-6 month stuff and size 2 diapers. He had a great time splashing in the water at Great Wolf Lodge, but he also enjoyed many a nap poolside. He is very good about playing quietly by himself and is just the most content little guy. But, he also loves to interact with his siblings and pretty much anyone who will stop and talk to him. He has the cutest little laugh and he feverishly kicks both feet when he's excited. What a special little blessing he is!


  1. Have I already told you this??? Anyways, I've been meaning to tell you that I LOVED reading Unbroken and meant to blog about it. I usually don't read war stories but I was just taken in with this story-could not put it down! People our age have no idea what those young men went through-it was unspeakable. So glad you blogged about it!

  2. Didn't mean to ignore the baby post! He's a cutie! You are very blessed!


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