Summer 2017

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Watts Boys Visit the Doctor

At 2:00 am, Max woke up SCREAMING that his ear hurt, followed almost in the same breath as, "Oh, and I had a bad dream about bad guys whispering bad words in my ear." He had no fever and calmly submitted to my middle-of-the-night mommy doctoring. Only after I got him drugged up and back to bed did I stop to think that his ear pain may have been completely bad-dream induced. When he woke up this morning, he mentioned again that his ear was hurting, but he wasn't upset and didn't seem to really feel bad. I took his temperature, which was exactly normal. After a short debate with myself about whether or not to send him on to school, I decided to let him tag along with Weston and Clay, who were already scheduled to see the doctor this morning. My main objective was to have her tell Max he was fine, so I could go ahead and take him to school after the appointment. That's not exactly what happened. The doctor took one look in his ear and jumped backward, proclaiming it the worst ear infection she had ever seen.

Weston was there for his six-year check-up, where we talked about his hearing (which Jeff and I are a bit concerned about), found out he has a Staph infection in his nose and gathered up his yearly stats. He weighs 74 pounds and is 53 inches tall. How is it even possible for me to have one son who is so far off the charts on the top end and another who can't even seem to get his dot on the chart in the first place?!

Speaking of whom, Clay had his weight checked again while we were there. I was certain his weight would have jumped up in the past two weeks, since he has made peace with the spoon and is heartily eating a wide variety of foods. There was an increase (about 5 ounces), but it was slight--not enough to put him on the chart. The doctor still isn't really concerned, but she does want to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't start dropping.

So, three prescriptions, one audiologist referral, and another scheduled weight check later, we left the office to do our time at the pharmacy and run some errands in the soupy weather. It wasn't my idea of a perfect morning, but Wendy's was giving away free Frosties with the purchase of a combo meal, so there was definitely a silver lining. So thankful I didn't send Max to school today, and thankful that both Max and Weston will now be on the road to recovery under the influence of the antibiotics.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Sorry the boys are puny right at Christmas--no fun for you or them--Chey-Anne took Gunnar in to the doc with a ear infection today--must be the time of year--you all get well and have a nice Christmas! Linda Sue

  2. Yes we've had a most awful past 36 hours. Wouldn't be a holiday without someone sick, right?!? Hope y'all get better soon!

  3. Thanks, ladies. Hope Gunnar feels better soon, too!


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