Summer 2017

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear Weston,

Once again, I am behind in getting you your yearly birthday letter. I would say that your birthday just falls at a busy time, but really, all the time seems to be busy, and I just need to slow down and put down my thoughts for and about you before the time slips away completely.

You are six, which just amazes me! I often have to remind myself that you aren't as old as I sometimes think. You are such a big guy, and excelling so much academically, I sometimes forget your real age.

Speaking of academics, you are constantly blowing your dad and me away with you amazing gift for working with numbers. You just get Math. Your reading is also pretty phenomenal. You are currently reading The Swiss Family Robinson Great Illustrated Classics book, with 16 chapters and over a hundred reading pages. You sometimes still struggle with motivation, but never with ability.

You thoroughly enjoyed the process of watching our house being built. And, you followed countless contractors around, asking countless, thoughtful questions. I have no doubt that you could build your own house, if you were so inclined. In fact, "builder" is still in your top three job choices. Also included are engineer and president.

You started Cub Scouts in September, and you absolutely LOVE it. You enjoy the activities in the book, but even more than doing the activities, you enjoy checking them off your list. You are a very goal-oriented person, who likes to follow the rules. And you really appreciate structure. This makes you a really hard and good worker, which we all appreciate. Your contributions to the household are truly a great asset. And you are always so proud of yourself when you can help out in some way or accomplish some task that is set before you. Some of your chores include: taking out all the trashes in the house and taking the big trash can up to the street on trash day, emptying the dishes from the dishwasher, putting napkins out for meals, and keeping your room and bathroom straight. You almost always tackle these tasks, and any others we give you, with enthusiasm. And you are always asking if there is something you can do to help.

You started losing teeth this year, but that hasn't slowed you down much on eating. You truly enjoy food. And some of your favorite things include: cheese enchiladas, shrimp, crawfish and other seafood, oatmeal, smoked sausage and pretty much any carb-heavy foods. You are not big on veggies, but you will sometimes eat them to impress your sister, who is a big veggie eater and whose opinion you value more than anyone else's. Sometimes when I watch you eat, I think we should have put three fridges in the new house for your teenage years, rather than just two.

You recently learned how to shoot a gun, and you bagged your first deer at the ranch just a few days after your birthday. You have also become interested in trapping. You got a couple of live-traps for your birthday, and you have caught a cat and several coons. You love to go out and check your traps first thing every morning. You are not afraid to get your hands (or your shirt, jeans or face) dirty, so these activities suit you just fine.

Besides hunting and guns, you are also interested in football and have watched many games with Dad this fall, trying to learn all the rules of the game. You also like to cook and are helping out more and more in the kitchen. You like taking pictures with your camera. And you still love long-neck dinosaurs.

You like playing punching games with Dad and wrestling with Max, but truly, you are a gentle giant. You are always writing letters, drawing pictures and coming up with neat gifts for the people you love. You give the sweetest hugs and compliments. And you pray from your heart in the most sincere way. Your heart is as huge as your body. And it is a blessing just to know you. I am so thankful that I get to be your mom!  These last six years have been some of the most fun of my life. I love you so much!


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