Summer 2017

Monday, December 05, 2011

7 Months

The little guy is seven months old today. And he's still little. He weighs 14 pounds and 15 ounces, putting his dot just below the lowest curve on the percentile graph (which is the 3rd percentile). He is better on height, almost a giant, really, at the 25th percentile. He has recently started solid foods, in a manner of speaking. Actually, when anything comes in the direction of his mouth on a spoon, he works himself up to a very theatrical gag, and very few spoonfuls make it across those pursed lips. However, he has agreed to occasionally munch on Baby Mum Mum rice crackers. The doctor isn't really worried about Clay's weight, because he is generally healthy and is hitting all the right milestones at all the right times, but she does want to keep an eye on him, so we'll continue going in for regular weight checks and keep trying to shove the food in. Clay is still wearing 3-6 month size clothes and size 2 diapers. He is sitting up really well on his own and is still army crawling and inch-worming along, but not performing a proper crawl yet--though he definitely has no trouble getting where he wants to go. He is just the cutest thing ever, with his sweet smiles and oh-so-happy belly laugh. We love this adorable little bundle!

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