Summer 2017

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we hope yours was wonderful as well. We have so many things to be thankful for, we couldn't even begin to list them all. One of the things we are very thankful for is our amazing extended family, and we were so blessed to get to spend the day with many of them today, and even to get to talk to a couple of them who are currently living overseas. The Lord has blessed us abundantly, in so many ways, and our hearts just overflow with thanksgiving, much like our Thanksgiving table overflowed with food. We always have a themed Thanksgiving, and this year's theme was Southern comfort food. So, our spread included lots of traditional Thanksgiving favorites: fried turkey, two kinds of dressing, sweet potato casserole, cheese grits, green bean casserole, potato casserole, mac and cheese, congealed salad, fruit salad, rolls, and several yummy desserts. I think the rolls and sweet potato casserole are my favorites, but everything was delicious. I'd love to know what your favorite Thanksgiving food is and if you have any special traditions. I'll leave you with a few pictures from our special day.

Our Little Bitty was smaller (in weight) than one of the turkeys
and not much bigger than the other one.
You know it's going to be a good day when
you start with a big pot and a fire extinguisher
The Spread--not even including the desserts!
Clay got to enjoy some yummy rice crackers for his Thanksgiving meal
There was lots of lap-sitting...
...And some serious nap-taking

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