Summer 2017

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Some questions about the library

  • Why is the library's website set up to be more secure than my bank's?
  • Why does the librarian hoover over me asking if she can help, and then when I actually need some help, she sends me to the front desk to get my question answered?
  • Why is there a limit on how many books I can check out at one time--especially since I have to pay a fee if they are late or lost?
  • Why will they not allow my husband to check out books using my card? Even if he offers to call me so they can verify that I gave him permission?
  • Why all the hubbub to get a video out from under lock and key, if it is damaged in critical plot areas that force me to have to skip ahead or turn it off completely?
  • Why have they stopped being open on Saturdays, when people have more time to actually go there?
Don't get me wrong, I love the library, and will most definitely continue to be a regular there. But I just don't understand why it has to be so hard to use in some ways. 

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