Summer 2017

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Party Weekend

Some of our neighbors instituted "Friday Fun Night," which is a standing neighborhood party on Friday nights. So, when in town or otherwise unoccupied, we all show up with food and drinks and hang out, either in someone's home or just kind of out in the street. We've been to two out of the three, and it's been a blast both times. There are tons of kids, close in age to ours, so our kiddos love it, too. So, that was Friday's party. And you already know all about Ruth's spa party yesterday. And today, we had a birthday party for Jeff, in which Jeff did all the cooking and a good bit of the cleaning up. It's weird to me, too, but that's just what he likes to do for his special day. The meal was fabulous, as usual! And this is just the beginning of our big party season. We have several friends and relatives with birthdays this month, a couple of half-birthdays, Weston's birthday and Thanksgiving. Woo Hoo! Let the good times roll!

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